cheeseclub groceries delivery singapore

Plum, D’Ente from France (Organic)

Weight: 500

Plum is said to be one of the first cultivated fruit by humans. While Prunus domestica is related to East European and Caucasian mountains, Prunus salicina and Prunus simonii are originated in Asia.

Plums are medium size fruits, between 2 and 7 centimetres in diameter, often oval shaped with a firm and juicy pulp. D’Ente Plum, also known as Agen Prune, was cultivated in the 13th century by Benedictine monks by crossing existing trees with a variety that Crusaders brought from Syria. It was then recognized in 2002 by European Union for its unique properties which made France famous for this sweet and juicy plum.

Organic European Label
Organic European



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