At the heart of Domaine Deveney-Mars is the unexpected meeting of two men: Lionel Deveney and Jérémy Mars. While Lionel’s Burgundian adoptive father introduced him to this world from a young age, Jérémy, a native of Burgundy, had a strong desire to create his own vineyard. Their paths crossed by chance, and after seizing a few opportunities, they acquired their first one-hectare parcel in Auxey-Duresses, marking the beginning of their shared story.
The wine opens with delicate citrus notes and subtle hawthorn hints on the nose, setting the stage for an ample palate that embodies the characteristics of Chardonnay. Good aging potential.
This wine pairs exquisitely with an array of cheeses such as Goat cheese, Epoisses, and Livarot, as well as poached fish and quenelle dishes.
Food Pairing:
Goat cheese, Epoisses, Livarot, poached fish, Quenelle
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