Unique Entity No: 202115092H
Expiry date: 30/4/2024
Registered address: 4 Angklong Lane,
#01-12 Faber Garden Condominium,
Singapore 579979
Unique Entity No: 202115092H
Expiry date: 30/4/2024
Registered address: 4 Angklong Lane,
#01-12 Faber Garden Condominium,
Singapore 579979
Unique Entity No: 202115092H
Expiry date: 30/4/2024
Registered address: 4 Angklong Lane,
#01-12 Faber Garden Condominium,
Singapore 579979
You are very special to us.
We have appreciated your business over the years and want to make sure you know how important you are to our business.
As a result, we are offering you all of our products at the Monthly Offer rate, anytime, all of the time.
We may also provide you with other benefits along the way.
Cheese Club Team
Cheese Club delivers to all locations island wide (Sentosa included).
Monthly Offer
When ordering during our Monthly Offer, you will have the choice between 2 to 3 delivery days, available on a ”first come, first served” basis.
We strongly encourage you to leave special delivery instructions, available during the checkout of your order, to help with the delivery of your chilled box (e.g.: entry code, elevator code or shaft, tower number, leave with concierge…).
In case of absence, the general rule is that your chilled box will be left at your doorstep (note that the delivery person will also try and contact you using the phone number indicated at the time of your order). Unless you confirmed your imminent return over the phone, your chilled box will be left in an additional insulated container to optimize the freshness of the products.
Your chilled box also contains ice packs to maintain a chilled temperature for a few hours. It is normal that ice packs melt over time as the parcel are kept overnight in chilled temperature. It is the responsibility of the client to promptly collect the basket in case of absence and once it is delivered as instructed. Cheese Club will not be held responsible after a chilled box is effectively delivered by our delivery partners as instructed.
You can opt out of this service by selecting “In my absence, do NOT leave the chilled box at my doorstep” during the checkout of your order. Our delivery partners will then redeliver your chilled box in the same or next day at no additional cost.
However, in the event of two unsuccessful deliveries, you will be charged an extra SGD 10 for each new delivery.